(505) 231-8707
e: [email protected]
Shell grew up on the coast of Maine and traveled the world before settling in Taos, New Mexico in 1976. He then returned back east to finish his diverse education in Psycho Spiritual Integration Therapies. Besides being a nationally certified trainer of Transpersonal Hypnotherapy and NLP in California, Colorado, and New Mexico, he has led groups that focus on creating equality, reconciliation, and healing between women and men around the country. Shell has held a private practice for decades in Santa Fe working with individuals, supporting healthy romantic relationships and coaching young adults.
Shell’s desire to support his entrepreneurial nature led to becoming a licensed real estate broker as an additional career path. Many of his focus projects for Santa Fe include creating pathways toward affordable housing, live /work spaces for young entrepreneurs and developing engaging co-housing communities for seniors. Living in Santa Fe since 1993 Shell feels at home among our diverse cultures, rich traditions, and the one of a kind properties that make Santa Fe the city different. Beside his collaborative, respectful, and warm approach to client relationships, he brings experience in home remodeling, creative interior design, and connections to other business professionals in the community. Some of Shell’s other passions include hiking, Latin dancing with his wife, road/mountain biking, skiing or enjoying some beach time on both coasts.